Under normal circumstances I'd use this little slice of the internet pie to throw down an inarticulate rambling about video games or pop culture. However, today something new crossed my path. Specifically, this: Columbine at Slamdance, and because I'm the "video games guy" in my posse (yeah, I just used the word "posse," and I promise it will never happen again) my friend Jonathon, an aspiring filmmaker and a student at Columbine during the time of this tragedy, sent me the link and posed this question to me: "Are video games becoming too real?" Now, my answer to him will be long and involved and boring so I'll spare ya the details, but I would like to know what my faithful readers (all seven of you) think... so send a comment or two my way and let's share a moment.
And for those of you interested in seeing what all the fuss is about, here's the link to the game itself: Super Columbine Massacre RPG. But approach with caution my friends, because it ain't for the faint of heart.
Can't leave you on a downer, so this should put a smile in your heart: