On Monday, a cryptic message was left by administrator "Adjutant Reflex," on the Halo 3 Bungie forums in bright yellow text: "This will be a good place to begin." "Adjutant" also posted more baffling dispatches at fan Web site Bungie.org, causing a stir among forum members and causing Web sites to speculate that another "I Love Bees"-style viral marketing campaign -- which was done for Halo 2 -- is on the horizon.
Then yesterday at 4:16 a.m., we received a strange e-mail from Xbox. The title simply said, "Look for the signs, the keepers of the flame." And in bold, the weird poem stated, "The enemy is almost upon us / Yet a Journey must commence." Hmmm.
This afternoon, as my co-workers and I went for a cup of coffee outside of our Times Square office, we couldn't help but notice these noisy protesters wearing blazing yellow T-shirts. They bore the acronym "S.O.T.A.," which apparently stands for "Society of the Ancients." Sidewalk stalkers are nothing new in Times Square; we're got our fair share of Scientologists, comedy club promoters, the Falun Dafa, and even angry Star Trek fans. But these guys were different; we recognized a familiar symbol that we had seen a few days earlier in the Bungie forums and then in our inboxes. So we ran upstairs, grabbed a camera and shot some video (just in case). It turns out these oddballs didn't know anything about Halo 3. But they sure knew a lot about aliens...
So is it Halo 3 viral marketing? We'll soon find out. For now, check out the Web site to see what that crazy guy was talking about. Also, more photos after the jump.